
Sri-Guggan Sri-Skanda-Rajah

He has dedicated his life from year 1975 – 2012 for various causes extensively in multi-racial communities in Ontario, Canada. This compilation of Blog presents his involvement and contributions in the form of number of articles and information. The intent of this blog is to inform this generation and future generations about Sri-Guggan’s contribution to fight and overcome the underlying issues. Further, it should motivate students for research studies and learning by themselves for discussions in common platforms.

Some key topics that Sri-Guggan Sri-Skanda-Rajah worked on were:

At present, unfortunately, the available or accessible information and reports related to Sri-Guggan’s work for this publication are very limited. However, it is the expectation that futureresearch studies on each topic will explore those and may be added to this compilation. In addition, this blog shall invite and post more information that shall be provided by other writers, who would have known Sri-Guggan’s services in the past.

As such, OCTD is introducing a scholarship fund in memory of Sri-Guggan Sri-Skanda-Rajah to promote students to pursue studies and research on the above subjects at Canadian academic institutions. Releasing of this blog, primarily focussing on the services Sri-Guggan rendered at relevant institutions or directly in the community, will be a lead and some guidance to students who may opt to study in these areas.

Sri Guggan speaking
Sri Guggan speaking